Monday, February 24, 2014

Mario Botta exhibit at the Bechtler

Mario Botta at the Bechtler
We had the distinct privilege of being invited to the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art in Charlotte for the media coverage of its new exhibit Mario Botta: Architecture and Memory. Swiss architect Mario Botta designed the Bechtler Museum as well as the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art—the only commissions he has accepted in the United States.

This view from one level of the museum to the next is a feature of Botta's open design
It was our first invitation to the Bechtler so we were very excited to see and hear about this extraordinary man who is responsible for one of the most prestigious, and certainly the most unique, museum buildings in Charlotte

Mario Botta is considered one of the world’s foremost architects of churches and museums. It was with much passion Mr. Botta expressed his desire to evoke a space for us to contemplate, meditate and experience our spiritual selves.

A wooden model of a Botta design
The wood models to scale of some of his creations are truly amazing with detail and aliveness.

The Bechtler Museum of Modern Art is presenting the only Mario Botta exhibit in the United States, honoring Charlotte as a true patron of the arts in the western world. 

One of many photos included in the exhibit

Wells Fargo, the exhibit’s presenting sponsor, states “We are proud to demonstrate our continued support of Charlotte’s cultural community by sponsoring a show highlighting one of the world’s masters of architecture.”

Mr. Botta and his interpreter
And on a lighter note Mario was adorable. He exuded the fun and lightness of light that shows in his work and his personality. We so enjoyed his presence and although he speaks no English he was easily understood through his obvious warmth and caring of mankind.

Mario and me
Mario Botta: Architecture and Memory is on our list of must see events. It runs through July 25, 2014 at the Bechtler Museum of Modern Art.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Change One Eating Habit Every 3 Months

By Dilworth Now nutrition columnist Marian Bennett

Do you ever get stuck in a rut eating the same meal for breakfast or always eating a dessert right after dinner? 

Consider switching it up every couple of months with a new addition to a favorite meal or swapping out and trying something new.

Eating breakfast can seem monotonous, especially if you eat the same meal every day.

If you have oat bran cereal with a banana every morning, why not change it to having oat bran with a banana and a tablespoon of peanut butter or almond butter?

You will feel fuller longer, get the energy in the morning you need, and even drop an inch or two in your waistline!

Maybe breakfast is not what you want to work on, but perhaps give a go on substituting ingredients from baked goods.

How about replacing butter with avocados?

Avocados provide almost half the daily recommendation of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and helps reduce the risk of diabetes while the flavor is still rich.

What about replacing oil with Greek yogurt?

Yogurt has a lower fat and caloric content and provides probiotics. The texture keeps the recipe still very creamy and adds moisture while it does not add a pungent flavor to the dessert.

These are super, simply yummy options that you can try and will not skimp on the flavor or moisture!